Non-Essential Stars (And Others With No Talent)?

Question by Dave D: Non-Essential Stars (and others with no talent)?
I am constantly changing channels when dumb (scrawny & no talent celebrities) are on television. I refuse to fork over a dollar for a movie, of people that I feel are wasting away their lives away (drinking and partying) or showing their private parts for the paparazzi. I will not pay a dime for anything with a person that jumps up and down on couch. Am I the only one that just wishes these people would go away? I mean you hear of people that are constantly trying to make it big in acting and music. However you have these non talented drunkards and drug heads that will go to “rehab” at a drop of a hat, to only emerge a month later and resume the same antics as before. I know there are exceptions but am I alone in wishing these non-talented people would just go away? They have made their dime, isn’t their fifteen minutes of fame up?

Best answer:

Answer by Pete B
Yes?…oh, I thought you were talking to me.
Have to agree with you, but there’s an endless supply and always has been. The only real difference is that back then pseudo stars never acknowledged or embraced their status.
Today’s losers and also-rans are contrived and shameless from the start.

Answer by Candice
Wooooooo Dave get it off your chest buddy, I too think these over paid talentless spoilt under achievers need to be ignored by the masses who originally gave them fame…
Then only will these wanna be upstarts learn that life is not ALL about them…LOL Rah Rah …..Oh yeah!! ?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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