How Do I Persuade My Mum to Spend Money to Send Me to a Better School?
Question by Rose: How do I persuade my mum to spend money to send me to a better school?
Ok basically I go to a really crap public school now in one of the poorest areas of New Zealand. I have a good social life at my school but in terms of academics it is not panning out as I might have hoped. I am a very determined and hard working student who aims consistantly for A’s but the problem with my school is that the majority of the kids come from a poorer upbringing and the teachers are generally just covering the absolute basics so all of the kids get through with C’ not to mention the classes are not at all dicaplined. So none of the harder material is covered. I live with my mum and Dad and they are both on decent cellerys (mum is a lawyer and dad is a manager a local council) but I have 2 other sisters and they are honestly very mingy about spending money on education as they both went to state schools and they don’t understand why I want to move schools. Can anybody help me convince them to pay to send me to a private school?
Best answer:
Answer by Zonadow
I say just research the internet for actual answers and ask people questions, or you could ask your teachers if they could teach you more – there IS a such thing as after school classes. :3
Otherrwiiiise…Since your mother has been in good schools obviously, and tell her something like you want to be successful, OR you should just, get bad grades so she moves you anyway. 8B.
Good luck! And by the way, it’s Salarys, not cellerys. ^3^’
Answer by dandelion
if your mother has the money its OK, but if not than let it be…
ask an older brother or sister to help you talk with her, maybe uncle or someone your mother take his opinion seriously and listen to their advices. ask them to do the dirty job for you. adults tend to listen to adults better than to children :\
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