People Often Use the Word Addiction Loosely, Speaking of an Addiction to Candy or a Television Show.?

Question by Susan D: People often use the word addiction loosely, speaking of an addiction to candy or a television show.?
Can you explain the difference between this type of “addiction” and a true physiological addiction? Is there a difference between this type of “addiction” and a psychological addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by AL R
Both types of addiction have negative consequences. I used to have a physiological addiction to tobacco and you could say that I am psychologically addicted to the TV show “Lost”. Of the two I would say that the former is the more devastating.

Answer by jessicasvendetta
An addiction could be a physiical adaptation and craving for a substance (like tabacco or drugs)
It can also be a bad habit, like candy or too much TV.

If something disrupts your normal routine, or affects your behavior negativly because you crave it, you probably have an addiction.

It can vary in it danger.

Im addicted to nicotine, something my body has come to need. Stopping would mean withdrawls. Not impossible, but not pleasent.
I am also addicted to sugar, If I could, Id eat nothing but bad, sugary goodness all day. However I could stop eating sugar no problem, experience no withdrawls. I might crave some, but it’s not something I’d bite my nails over.

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