Archives: Inside Narconon's Bizarre Treatments
Archives: Inside Narconon's bizarre treatments
Perhaps the lowest point in David Love's "treatment" for drug addiction at Narconon Trois Rivières was the five-hour sauna on his 25th day of fivehour saunas. Being forced to yell at an ashtray for hours on end – "Stand up, ashtray!" "Thank you." "Sit …
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Reckitt Benckiser share price advances after Q1 report
Investors have been calling for the company to look at options for the pharmaceuticals business for several years, arguing that it is a poor fit with its consumer and health brands. The unit's main drug, heroin addiction treatment Suboxone, has started …
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Dr. Oz Show Today: Food Addiction Test And New Cancer Treatments
Dr. Oz today, March 18, 2014, is talking about food addiction and how it can lead to health problems and weight gain along with highlighting a new radical cancer treatment that is turning the medical world upside down. We all know that anything can …
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University Researchers Consider Unintended Benefits of Hangovers
So what does this mean for the average human? Taha looks to the future saying, "this could provide a new target for therapeutics down the road, new medicines in treating alcohol addiction." This research will continue so scientists can figure out if …
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Gambling Addiction 4 Gambling Addiction Treatments – Gambling addiction treatment — and this video explain why it’s better to reduce your problem gambling gradually instea…