Abstinence or Moderation? Best Treatment for Alcohol Problems Explained.
Abstinence or Moderation? Best treatment for alcohol problems explained. – If you have alcohol problems, what is the best treatment? Alcohol abstinence or moderate drinking? Beth Burgess, Recovery Coach and addiction expert, helps y…
Alcohol abuse is fueling military sexual assault
The reasons for the growing sexual assault problem in our military are complex and require serious investigation. Sexual assault is not confined to places and times when alcohol is consumed. But it has been known for years that alcohol abuse is a …
Read more on Washington Post
Certain environmental factors impact alcohol problems more for European than …
"An early AFD is essentially a marker of risk for later alcohol-related problems," said Carolyn E. Sartor, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine as well as corresponding author for the study. "This …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)