How Important Do You Think Drugs Are to Music?

Question by fluorescent *: How important do you think drugs are to music?
I often hear people say “all good bands are on drugs”, which I don’t think is true. I believe a person’s ability to create music is a matter of talent, not consumption of drugs. That’s just my opinion, at least.

But on the other hand, most successful (and good) bands and artists have been on LOTS of drugs, and been through rehab, etc..

So, yeah. Opinions?

Best answer:

Answer by Chrys
i agree with you… all though there have been alot of really goos songs that were possibly because of drugs… i beleive that even people who arent on drugs can write amazing sons… i have a friend who doesnt do drugs but write songs occasionally… books more often but sumtimes songs… and i think they are really good 😀

Answer by d3bates
It creates a very relatable topic for songs, but I think it’s best for bands to stay off drugs.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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