My Brother Drinks 2 to 3 Amp Energy Drinks a Day?

Question by evansprincess: my brother drinks 2 to 3 amp energy drinks a day?
i keep telling him they are so bad for you but he doesnt care what happens to him. i get really worried about him. what can happen and do you know anyone else who drinks that much? thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by llalaa(:
I have a cousin who drank 2 a day, in the morning and at night. He passed away because of a very bad heart condition.The doctor told us that Any energy drink can cause a very bad heart condition and thats why he passed away. you don’t want that. PLEASE tell your brother to stop.

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Heroes and Villains of 2012

Filed under: What Causes Cocaine Addiction

The 36-year-old former mayor of Tiquicheo, a remote town in Mexico's cartel-infested central “hotlands”, had repeatedly denounced the cocaine barons and their trade. Warned by the authorities that she was putting her life in … In his career as a …


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Whatever his reasons, they were likely contained in the handwritten note left for his family. Having started directing commercials, he was best-known for guiding … The post-mortem uncovered traces of alcohol, marijuana and cocaine in his blood …
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