Patient #29


Patient #29 – An extreme method for cocaine addiction in Lima Peru (1984)


Laughing thief asks for help with addiction at sentencing

Filed under: Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Robert Elliott Anderson, 44, said he needs in-patient treatment to succeed in breaking the addiction that caused him to steal from the store clerk on Aug. 3. He pleaded guilty to larceny last month. “He has a pretty severe cocaine addiction. At the …
Read more on The Daily Telegram


Judge orders drug treatment for mom who left baby in box

Filed under: Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Crawley, 34, a confessed crack cocaine addict, will be immediately paroled to the New Directions drug rehabilitation program for 11 1/2to 23 months followed by having to report to a probation officer for seven years, Common Pleas Judge Alice Beck Debow …
Read more on Philadelphia Inquirer


Drug War Mexico: A Conversation With Peter Watt (Part Two)

Filed under: Cocaine Addiction Treatment

The government makes one outrageous claim after another, saying organized crime is taking over, that the war on drugs will make Mexico secure and safe for your children, that there's an outbreak in addiction rates, that they're going to reduce …
Read more on Huffington Post (blog)