Please Help Me About ” Rehab” information….thanks!?

Question by ~ Co Co ~: Please help me about ” Rehab” information….thanks!?
My BF bring weed on airplan get clutch( it’s internal ariplan), so he needs to go to a “live in” drug rehab in Woodland. he could be lost his business, money, etc… The court said if he goes to rehab 6 months, he won’t go to jail.

two weeks ago ,(he just been there about two weeks) he need attend to traffic ticket’s things, so they let him gut, when he go back , somethings happen , i don’t know what happen to him, the woodland Rehab return my letter back , told my “he is not here at two weeks ago….” and they sail they can’t told me anythings…

so….I need someone told me , if u or ur family ..friends have like this situation, because weed get cluthch, what they doin to him??

I don’t have his family’s phone NO. , I am so worry about him!!
I don’t have tidings of him about two weeks!!

Please told me information about this…thanks!!

Best answer:

Answer by oldfart
writing such as this shows every body that you are to immature to have a boy friend much less a stupid pothead that would take his weed on an airplane after all that has happened the last time we heard from homeland security.

Answer by Elfwreck
If he didn’t go back after they let him out, he’ll be expelled from the program and sentenced to jail instead. They might do that if they catch him carrying or using weed or even alcohol; he’s supposed to be *clean* while he’s in rehab.

If there’s another problem–like some of his paperwork didn’t clear correctly–there’s a chance that everything’s okay, but they won’t talk to you. They probably won’t tell you what’s going on no matter what; girlfriends have no legal rights to private information.

You might try calling the rehab center, or writing to them (but I’d suggest calling), and explaining that you know they can’t tell you anything, but ask *what it would take* to get them to give you info–if *he* asks for contact with you, could you get a letter through? Can they give a letter to him, even if he can’t reply to it? Ask if he can have any contact with you.

If not, you can ask if they can give you information about their program so you can understand what he’s going through. They probably have some pamphlets and maybe a website, so you can at least know what’s going on in his life.

If he’s going through the rehab program, it’s probably a lot of counseling and advice, and meetings with people who’ve had similar problems, and some help with things like job skills (like how to fill out an application, and how to balance a checkbook).

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