Toronto Man Paralyzed From the Waist Down Alleges a Police Officer Pushed Him

Toronto man paralyzed from the waist down alleges a police officer pushed him

Filed under: Cocaine Addicts Before and After

A police spokesperson said the service would not comment on the case, since it is now before the tribunal. … In the press release that followed, police announced that they had seized a loaded handgun, ammunition, crack cocaine and marijuana in the …
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The Roundup for December 27, 2012

Filed under: Cocaine Addicts Before and After

Shares in Spain's Bankia “have slid almost 20% after Spain's bank rescue fund said the troubled lender had a negative value of -4.2bn euros”, while its parent company, BFA, is said to be worth -10.4bn euros. Spain's bailout fund will have to provide 13 …
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